Colour analysis is offered as part of the Complete Stle Makeover service.
Psychologists have long established that colour is the first thing noticed about a person’s appearance. While wearing an unflattering colour may not be fatal, it can damage your image. By wearing the colours that suit you best, you will appear healthier, younger and more alert and energetic.
Benefits of Image & Me Colour Analysis:
- We follow the Flow Colour Method, a comprehensive analysis, that includes 12 different categories, recognising that you are not just one colour category (or season) but rather a blend between two
- Since personal colouring changes with age, our method takes into account change in hair and eye colours to get you the best colours
- We also recommend the right colours for your make-up and hair to help you achieve the right, most effective, contrast levels to match your clothes
What you get:
Now available only at Image & Me, a handy, digital colour swatch with all the colours suitable for you. You will have access to your best colours anywhere, anytime
A workbook with detailed information on correct contrast levels and correct colour combinations
How we do it:
- We start with the draping process
- Taking into account your skin tone, hair colour and eye colour, we determine the colour season suitable for you
- Download the colour swatch with your best colours directly onto your phone
- You learn how to mix and match colours to create effective colour contrasts and combinations
When shopping for clothes and accessories the amount of choice can often seem like a minefield. Being equipped with the correct colours and contrast levels you will be able to quickly weed through all the things that don’t suit you and forever more gain the shopping confidence that you have never experienced before.